Kit Carson Electric Cooperative Steps Forward With Its Solar Initiative as Tres Piedras Array Comes Online
In December 2016, The Board of Trustees voted unanimously to achieve the goal of 100% daytime solar by 2022. Kit Carson Electric Cooperative (KCEC) in its partnership with Guzman Renewable Energy Partners (GREP) have strategically designed a solar deployment plan within the Kit Carson Service Territory. This plan builds on the accomplishments KCEC has made installing solar arrays over the past twelve years. KCEC has started implementation on its new five-year project plan to construct seven solar array sites, ranging from 1-3 Megawatts (MW), in the first year for a total of 7MW. When all solar arrays are constructed this year, KCEC will be generating 16MW of the 35MW total goal. This goal of 35 MW of solar installation is also being built with 100% local companies and labor through ParaSol Solar.
On August 1st, the 1MW Tres Piedras Solar Array was 100% complete and connected to the grid! The Tres Piedras Solar Array along with the existing KCEC solar installations now generate up to twenty percent of the power that Kit Carson provides to our members. This array is one more success in providing KCEC members with green, renewable energy. The Tres Piedras array also makes these communities west of the Rio Grande to Tres Piedras up to the Colorado border 100% Solar during the daytime.
Progress is also being made in Peñasco where the Picuris Pueblo Solar Array site is undergoing construction. This site is currently addressing the terrain challenges of rock formations and drilling to place the array stands. This project is on target to meet the installation date. Picuris Pueblo is taking its place as a leading pueblo in NM and the nation moving towards renewables for its tribal members. This allows all members to participate in solar regardless of their economic status. By utilizing the local labor force, Picuris Pueblo will be 100% solar when the solar array is finished.
KCEC is proud to announce that the contracts to begin building solar arrays in Eagle Nest, Northern NM Community College (El Rito, NM) with Angel Fire will be signed in the near future. These communities are quickly embracing the vision of resilient, renewable energy generation and distribution. These arrays will rapidly come online assisting the KCEC service area to stabilize energy rates.
KCEC continues to work with the Town of Taos with a large 3 MW array adjacent to the sewage treatment plant. This array would provide 3 MW of power to the community lowering member rates. KCEC hopes the Town of Taos collaborates in a way that provides a baseline for rate stabilization and economic development. KCEC has been committed to its role to provide low energy rates for its members for almost 75 years. The members’ request to move towards renewable energy for all is visionary and just in our rapidly shifting economic reality here in Taos. Kit Carson is providing economic development, involving everyone in the community and paving the way to provide our children with renewable energy future.