E-Billing – Go Green
As technology has improved more of our customers are taking advantage of the e-billing system now available through Kit Carson Electric Cooperative. Your electric cooperative spends approximately $150,000 per year on postage to get electrical bills out to its members. This is a substantial amount of money not considering the envelopes and return envelopes that are enclosed with the bill.
- E-billing reduces the amount of paper and stress on the environment
- E-billing helps reduce the cost of personnel time to prepare the bills
- E-Billing help reduce the cost of operating the production machines
- E-bill is delivered your email address of your choice.
- Your bill is never lost in the mail or late
- You receive your bill even if you are not at home.
- Avoid unnecessary trips to the post office
- Receipt of the bill is immediate so you can click on the link and pay your bill online and you do not have to write checks, buy a stamp, etc.
- Help us to help you save money and time by taking advantage of E-billing available through Kit Carson Electric Cooperative. Signing up is easy, just contact our customer service department at (575)758-2258 or 1(800)688-6780 and request the details. Sign up today.

Why Use LED’s?
Using LED’s is an effective way to reduce energy consumption and prevent greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change. Led’s use up to 75 percent less energy than traditional incandescent light bulbs, last up to ten times longer and can save about $30 or more in electricity costs over each bulb’s lifetime. The use of less electricity, in turn, puts less demand on power plants, thus reducing the number of greenhouse gases, mercury, and other pollutants released into the air. Each LED can prevent more than 450 pounds of emissions from a power plant over its operating life.
Using LED’s can also help to reduce cooling costs in your home. They emit about 75 percent less heat than traditional bulbs. About 90 percent of the energy emitted by incandescent bulbs is heat, compared with the 15 percent released by LED’s.
Where can I purchase LED Bulbs?
Kit Carson Electric offers a variety of LED’s to meet your needs. Please contact our Human Resources and Public Relations Department at 118 Cruz Alta Rd. Taos NM or call (575) 758-2258 local or 1 (800) 688-6780 toll-free for more information.