Kit Carson Electric Cooperative has completed Level One of NRECA’s Co-op Cyber Goals Program. KCEC has implemented ten fundamental measures of cybersecurity preparedness. These measures will help to protect your co-op and the industry electricity grid from cyber threats. NRECA is proud to work with our co-op members on this critical initiative.
KCEC’s Daniel Trujillo and Miguel Aguilar received the award on behalf of KCEC! Daniel and Miguel recently attended an NRECA Cybertech Conference. The 3-day technical conference is for all NRECA members and supporting organizations with the goal of addressing cybersecurity in the cooperative space. Conference content specifically highlights co-op cyber and is designed to provide opportunities for peer-to-peer and industry-to-peer collaboration, skills development, and advancement.
KCEC and our Community Partners would like to invite you to the second 2NM2C meeting to discuss the technical challenges facing our rural community regarding cybersecurity