New Service

New Consumer Requirements
The following New Consumer Requirements are applicable to persons who have never had electric service with Kit Carson Electric Cooperative, Inc., and are applying for new service.

Download Request for Electric Service Form

Deposit: varies, refundable
Service Charge: $15.00 Residential, $50.00 Commercial (per meter)

The Cooperative generally keeps the deposit for a period of one year. Point three-six (.36%) percent interest is earned on the deposit during that one-year period. Upon completion of the year of service, the deposit and interest it has earned are applied to the consumer’s account. In the event the Cooperative decides to keep the deposit for more than one year because satisfactory credit has not been established, interest will continue to be earned on the deposit during the additional time it is kept. If the consumer moves to a different location before the one-year is complete, the deposit and interest will be transferred to the new location.

In the event a consumer discontinues electric prior to the usual one year period that the deposit is kept by the cooperative, the deposit will be canceled, interest prorated for the time the deposit was in effect and the deposit amount plus interest earned, will be applied to the closing bill and any remainder mailed to the consumer during the month following a determination of the closing bill.

Letter of Credit
The Cooperative will accept a satisfactory letter of credit from the new consumer’s previous utility showing a good payment history for the past twelve months in the lieu of the residential service deposit.

In the event that a new consumer is unable to pay the required residential service deposit, Kit Carson Electric will allow the new consumer to initiate service in his/her name through establishment of a written guaranty by a consumer in good-standing with the Cooperative, The Guarantor will be required to come into our office with the new consumer and sign a written Guaranty of responsibility for the billing assessed to the new consumer for a minimum of twelve months. In the event, the new consumer will still be responsible for payment of the required membership and non-refundable service charge fee at the time the appropriate service order is issued. If the new consumer’s account becomes delinquent within the twelve months the Guaranty is in effect, both the Guarantor and the new consumer will be liable for the total due plus any attorneys’ fees incurred by the Cooperative in connection with the collection efforts on the account.

Kit Carson Electric Cooperative, Inc.
New Service Location Requirements
The following New Service Location Requirements are applicable to persons who are establishing service at a location without electrical service.

Right of Way Easements
All necessary and required Right-of-Way Easements will be obtained by the consumer. Each easement must be signed with the proper legal signature and mailing address of the person granting the easement, each easement must contain the correct legal property description, including the tract number, map number and survey number. When available, a survey plat should also be made available to the Cooperative by the consumer. Each easement must be properly notarized.

Electrical Permits
All permits required by the State of New Mexico and the Cooperative must be received by Kit Carson Electric before the new service order can be released from the engineering department.

Line Extensions
Line extensions will be paid for in full before the new service order is released for construction. The Cooperative presently allows one-half of the average investment of total plant per consumer for new line extensions. The cost for either overhead or underground electrical construction is based on a per foot per phase cost determined by the Cooperative each year. The consumer is responsible for all required trenching for the underground electrical service. All trenching and back-filling must be done in accordance with Kit Carson Electric specifications. The Cooperative may inspect secondary underground installations made by an electrical contractor prior to covering the wire. If a consumer requires more than a 10KVA of transformer capacity for his/her special use, the 10KVA is allowed at the regular monthly customer charge. Anything over 10KVA will be charged additionally per KVA. It is the responsibility of the consumer to identify and show on the site plan the location of all utility lines (gas, electric, water, sewer, etc.). No structures may be built over or under and existing electric lines or within the easements granted to Kit Carson Electric. A new service may have a four to six week waiting period before a line extension is constructed and service is connected.