Welcome to the official Visual Style and Branding Policy Manual for Kit Carson Electric Cooperative (KCEC). KCEC is a member owned Electric Distribution Cooperative and has been providing electricity to Northern New Mexico since 1944. Since it’s inception, KCEC has expanded services in Northern New Mexico. Kit Carson Internet was started as a division of KCEC in 2000 to provide internet access to our service area. Kit Carson Energy inc. was established as a division of KCEC in 2010 to deliver affordable propane to it’s members.
As our organization grows, it is important to establish a clear identity, or “brand,” that is shared by all current and future subsidiaries and divisions. The primary goal of our brand is to tie our services together and to expand the brand trust that Kit Carson Electric Cooperative has established for over 70 years with our other service lines. By establishing an image that all current and future service lines can share, we are creating a unified image that can easily be connected by community members. Variations on the same logo design allow for a certain level of independence between subsidiaries and divisions while trying our services together into one recognizable brand.