David Torres
District 1David has been a trustee since 2010. He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering, an MBA and a Masters degree in Strategic Science from the USAF Air War College. He served 28 years in the Air Force and National Guard. He has also worked as a humanitarian relief worker since 2001, responding to disasters around the world. He is a strong advocate for renewables and new technologies to make Taos energy independent. He is Chairman of the ByLaw and Policy Committee, a member of the Safety Committee, Solar Committee, Broadband Committee, Green Hydrogen Committee and Public Relations Committee. He represents members in District 1 which stretches from Pilar to Taos Ski Valley and is always eager to meet with members to hear their concerns and promote their ideas.
Bobby Ortega President District 2
Cristobal Duran Vice President District 4
Bruce Jassman Treasurer District 5
Manuel Medina Secratary District 1
Arthur Rodarte District 3
Bernie Torres District 2
Martin Dimas District 1
David Torres District 1
Luisa Valerio-Mylet District 1
Sylvia Vigil District 4
Russ Coyle District 5
Luis A. Reyes Jr. CEO
Richard A Martinez COO
Carmella Suazo Assistant Manager